A few things you need to keep in mind:
Absorption qualities of your soil----This is determined with a proper soil analysis. For instance; if you have sandy soil and it is dry, liquids are very easily absorbed. A normal design going by the TNRCC (Texas Natural Resource Conservation Committee) codes and your County Rules and Regulations are approximately 75 gallons per day per person. Example: a family of four (4) needs to have three hundred (300) gallons of liquid absorbed in the lateral field line per day. If you have clay, and you have a very rainy season, the field line is not going to absorb liquid very easily, if at all. In this case, you need to consider an aerobic treatment plant. Examine your landscape: You were probably attracted to a lot because of the big beautiful trees. If the system you have chosen requires large machinery to excavate the soil, or to dig lateral lines, some roots may be cut causing the tree or other vegetation to die. So keep in mind, if the property you are thinking of building your dream home on is flat and has a lot of clay or rock, a conventional system may not work. A septic system for this area will be more expensive than a conventional system, if a septic system can be installed at all. Sites like these will require an aerobic system. Your installer or Contractor should have ample information for your to consider on either system.Settling--------When installing tanks for your septic, whether a conventional, aerobic, (also known as a spray system) low pressure dosing, ECT. there will always be settling. Usually, if the county permits us to, we will leave the tank site with a mound of dirt, so that you may occasionally add to these areas. We are not responsible for final grade.
Future Plans----It is important to think about the future. Maybe you will want a swimming pool one-day or perhaps a tennis court. Any and all things must be considered. Speak with a licensed sanitarian or engineer about the property you are looking to buy. They should know the area well, and be able to discuss many aspects of soil analysis and septic systems in your area.
It is Important to talk with your Contractor or your local County office about the site that you have chosen. State or local regulations can actually prohibit a septic system on many sites.
Be sure your septic tank is in working order.
The septic tank system is the most common method of waste disposal
The system is costly and requires regular maintenance and sometimes repairs. The toilet, sink and shower drain in your home empty out into a septic tank. The solid waste is held in the tank and the liquid is absorbed into the soil. Septic tanks are intended to dispose of biological waste safely.
If you are a homebuyer, you need to know about septic tanks
Septic tank cleaning should be scheduled to avoid damage
If the sludge accumulates too high within the tank it will seep out to the leach field. To avoid this, schedule your septic tank pumping for every two to four years. The cost is generally a few hundred dollars but will save you great expense in the long run. The term Gray Water refers to laundry waste including detergents and cleaners or other household chemicals. The system is designed to handle a reasonable amount of gray water. However, excessive amounts should be avoided along with toxic chemicals, poisons, etc. If these are processed in excessive amounts, the septic tank cleaning tank should be scheduled to occur more frequently.Aerobic Wastewater System: SPRAY
Aerobic Wastewater System: SPRAY
Conventional Septic Systems just do not work in some areas. Clay is a very good reason why it is near impossible. Clay will not absorb the liquids that run through conventional field lines. These liquids contain pathogenic organisms. This type of bacteria poses a definite health hazard. Wet weather and heavy use can cause this septic water to pool. Make no mistake this is a very serious condition. This situation needs a spray system installed, an aerobic design. This will consist of three (3) tanks. The first tank is for the solids to separate and turn to liquid as in a conventional. The second tank is the Clearstream unit. This unit uses air bubbles to treat the septic liquid. This aerobic system does a much better job breaking down the waste materials. The liquid is then chlorinated to kill any remaining pathogens/bacteria and into a tank where a pump with a float will then pump it out to a spray area. This spray area will be designed by a registered sanitarian or engineer and carefully scrutinized by the county and inspectors for spray area required and spray area used. This liquid, if chlorinated properly, can be used to water vegetation. The aerobic system overall is a much better system, but it does cost more to install and to maintain. There will be, for the life of the plant, a Continuing Service Policy. The county and state requires that a licensed Maintenance Company test your system periodically. Your Installer, sanitarian, engineer, or County will help you with this. The Two–Year Service Policy is usually considered in the price of the installation. There are several reasons why a Clearstream Wastewater System should be used, most commonly is the soil analysis or the lot size.
Important: When having your septic pumped out—only pump out ½ of the total Clearstream Unit, filling immediately with water. You may have a fiberglass unit, pumping out this tank will cause the sides to cave in and collapse. This voids your warranty.